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How long does it take to get my pets ashes back after cremation?

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Losing a family pet is a difficult time for every person and their families. The heartache and sense of loss are tremendous and hard to rationalise. It is a reminder to us all of how precious life is.

Coming into the room where they once slept, looking at the area where they would always greet you, the silence. All of this is a timely reminder of the joy that a pet once brought to all our lives

But what happens after their passing? There are many questions that you might have.

Where do they go?

How long will they be gone for?

How do I know what happens when they get there?

Why does it take so long?

Not all pet crematoriums are the same. We know that but not all pet owners do. Here at Pawprints Cremation in Trim, County Meath, we know how loved, how important and how special each pet was to their owners and their families? We know the special place that they held within that home and we are mindful of that each and every time we do a cremation.

We handle each and every pet with the love, dignity and respect that they deserve. We know the anguish that the wait causes when a pet owner is waiting for their ashes to be returned. We understand that you want your beloved pet ashes back as soon as possible. It’s important to you and it’s important to us.

At Pawprints Cremation, we can have your pet ashes returned to you within 24 hours.

You can visit our crematorium in Trim where you can either drop your pet off or even collect the ashes afterward.

Alternatively, you can always bring your pet to your local veterinary practice and have the ashes returned to the veterinary practice for you to collect. This can be done as quickly as within 24 hours. At Pawprints we know how important this process is.

We always want to get it right and we always want to make sure that you get the ashes of your beloved pet back as quickly as possible, to make the grieving process easier for you and your family.

Please call us at Pawprints in Trim or ask your local veterinary practice, do they use Pawprints Crematorium. We’re here to help.

We’re here to make the end of the life journey that bit easier for you and your family.